Digitalization training

Practical training and workshops for your workforce.

Your path to understanding and applying smart technologies

Practical inspiration instead of “buzzword bingo”

When it comes to the topic of digitalization, the industrial environment is characterized by a multitude of terms that are often used to prophesy a kind of “simpler world”. In reality, it’s about tangible issues that companies are already dealing with today – first and foremost, competitiveness through operational excellence, responsiveness and customer focus. The process-supporting data & information infrastructure is a prerequisite and enabler of the new trends. Instead of participating in the “buzzword bingo”, it is worthwhile to experience the methods and application fields in a practical way. This applies equally to the workforce as it does to managers. Turn digitalization into an actionable added value for your own company!

Digitalization training

Practice, exercise, examples, application.

  • Inspiration
    360° view for management, executives or users
  • Workshops
    Learning, understanding, deriving your own use cases
  • Project support
    Sustainability through application analysis in the company
  • Digitalization roadmap
    Integration of promising innovations into the digitalization strategy

Tackling digitalization

Create enthusiasm for digitalization in order to train our own “army of digital specialists”

Making digitalization tangible is no easy task. On the one hand, the number of topics is overwhelming – and the number of tools created from them is even more so. On the other hand, digitalization is often driven from within IT or only by individuals within the company. The resources available are often limited, and development is slow. This makes the topic of digitization tough and reserved for “experts”.

Early and practical involvement of all stakeholders is the key to success here. This is because technological progress is expanding the scope for action in all areas. Those who position themselves early with digitalization and tailor the new technologies to their business will achieve a clear competitive advantage in the medium and long term. Start today with the first steps towards a sustainable digital transformation of your company through inspirational presentations, workshops to generate your own use cases or the first implementations with our help!

Digitalization must be sustainably anchored and beneficial

Sustainability and benefits are primarily determined by strategic choices, such as aligning the corporate strategy with the digital strategy. This means that the question must be clarified, on which sides of the “strategic cloth” do I want to pull and what is the added value behind it. For these issues, we offer explicit management workshops that, in addition to strategic illumination, provide a hands-on approach to process mining, data analytics, RPA and digital twinning.

In addition, we offer workshops for managers and users. The goal is to inspire employees and develop ideas for use cases, which are given a chronological classification in your company’s strategy through the digitalization roadmap.
For the sustainability of a digital transformation, it is crucial that there is a palpable enthusiasm for the “new” topics within the company and that digitization is thus actively driven forward by an “army of digital specialists”. In this way, a digital mindset can be distributed broadly and in many minds to create openness to digitalization.